Forest management

Budapest Forestry Company

Forest management

The Company lumbers 78 thousand net cubic metres timber as an average in a year – by utilisation of 86 % of the possibilities specified in the plans, of which 64 % comes from final cutting. Approximately 80 % of the lumbered timber is hard broad-leaved variety (Turkey oak, oak, acacia, beech and others); the rest is poplar, pine and other soft broad-leaved varieties.

Distribution of wood varieties in the felled timber


The major part of the felled timber is firewood; the rest is small amount of wood-shavings timber, wood-fibre timber and pulpwood resulting from the conditions in the production site. These piled assortments make 80-85 % of the production; 15-20 % is saw-log and other sawn goods, pillar wood and pole wood.


The Company sells the cut wood in form of blocks. In the purchase the inhabitants play very important role. Approx. 22 % of the wood is purchased by them while the export is also important (8 % of the returns from sale). The big energetic companies purchase 17 % of the cut wood. In addition the timber is sold to wood traders (22 %) and wood processing companies (31 %).  Due to the regional dispersion of the Company, it offers the wood materials in many counties of the country.


The Company continuously takes care of renewing the forests where trees were cut. Clearing is carried out only in stand not native and not possible to renew by natural way. In other places the forests are renewed by renewing cutting when the nature conservation and welfare functions of the forests are considered. Now 70 % of the forest renewing is completed by natural way where possible because it is ecologically favourable and generally economic procedure.


The main purpose and undertaken mission of our Company is to save the forests being under its supervision in such a way that all aspects of the nature conservation, national defence, water-, and soil- and landscape protection are considered and the requirements are fulfilled without any external support. The Company’s staff thinks the most important task is to maintain a reliable, nature-friendly and long-term forest management by which the wood – as a natural raw material – is continuously reproduced and the forests are managed professionally. The Company – in addition to fulfilling the social expectations in connection with the forests – makes efforts to increase the value of the forests by assuring the bio-diversity and the ecologic stability of the forests.  Our purpose is to provide relaxation possibilities in the forests to the future generations, too.

In order to realise the purposes specified the Company changes the forest managing procedures into direction of the nature friendly management. In 2008 selection system providing total and continuous coverage started to be used in approximately 2000 ha area in the forest management.